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Reply to "Bharrat Jagdeo Among World’s Most Evil; Never Again Will Guyana Be Led By A Criminal"

Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Who is afraid of BJ ?

It was appropriate for Carter to walk out,he requested to meet the President Ramotar ,why Jagdeo shows up ?

Dude what has BJ done to you!!! I wanna share that secret lol

The Coalition Government is afraid of BJ. I am not a fan of him . But “ YOUR “ coalition government is shielding behind the ABC countries. BJ will rock their boat. 

The country economy spike under the PPP government when BJ was president . 

Currently Guyana is a barren state with no live. The oil money is not going into pockets of the poor working class and there is no plans on the table to invest this so call money for jobs .

i would suggest you make suggestion to your boys and ask some questions ... 


I saw on the news yesterday that the US is increasing domestic production of oil from shale. What does this say about when Guyana's oil will be pumping and how much it will be worth?

The US is prepping a renewed plan to crush Venezuela which could temp affect oil flows.  Oil prices are rising and a supply crunch.  Venezuela supplied the US 8% of US import needs.  The US wants to diversify their supply so Guyana fits.   This is why I don’t believe they will allow an anti-US PPP to run the show in Guyana. 

Wait a minute here! Isn't the United States a champion of democracy? Don't they advocate for free and fair elections in the world and frown on dictators?

Thank Obama.  Let’s get to Trump, maybe he sees it differently.   And who ever told you the US is  champion for democracy. The US is a champion for US interest.  If it dovetail with democracy’, fine, if not, US interest governs!

Yeah, different right. NO BROWN OR BLACK PEOPLE. We will need to go, including you. Bring in Anglo Saxons only..tall white blonde babes so he can grab pu**ies.

I agree that Obama and Kerry were complicit in fvcking up Guyana.
