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Reply to "Bharrat Jagdeo Among World’s Most Evil; Never Again Will Guyana Be Led By A Criminal"

Django posted:
Dave posted:
Baseman posted:
Cobra posted:

Here are some heavy materials against Bharrat Jagdeo. What caught me off guard is the stolen U.S.$8Billion. If true, he get more money than Donald Trump. 

Listen banna, anyone can write any Shyte about anyone, does not make it fact!

Im not a big fan for 3rd term, but he did contribute positively to Guyana.   This sounds like someone intimidated by him in 2020.   

However, I do believe the interest of the PPP will be better served by a new face. 

They are still hurting over their terrorist gangs being busted up! BJ will live free and without fear as any citizen!  He is not infallible, but he served Guyana well!

Base BJ is fearless and is the only chrasmatic leader guyana has. I am afraid, they will harm him. He speaks the truth. Yes he makes mistake during his time  but which country president hasn’t.  Unfortunately, the ABC country don’t want him there also. 

Remember when Carter requested  to meet with Ramotar at the last General election ... Jagdeo walked in with Ramotar and Cater walkeded out refusing to meet with Ramotar  who was the president of Guyana. Carter then flew out of Guyana claiming he was sick but he shows up at a meeting the next day in US. 

Who is afraid of BJ ?

It was appropriate for Carter to walk out,he requested to meet the President Ramotar ,why Jagdeo shows up ?

Dude what has BJ done to you!!! I wanna share that secret lol

The Coalition Government is afraid of BJ. I am not a fan of him . But “ YOUR “ coalition government is shielding behind the ABC countries. BJ will rock their boat. 

The country economy spike under the PPP government when BJ was president . 

Currently Guyana is a barren state with no live. The oil money is not going into pockets of the poor working class and there is no plans on the table to invest this so call money for jobs .

i would suggest you make suggestion to your boys and ask some questions ... 

