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Reply to "Bharrat Jagdeo Among World’s Most Evil; Never Again Will Guyana Be Led By A Criminal"

yuji22 posted:
Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:
Baseman posted:

Alyuh two got the GNI love bug 🐜!!

The man django now threatening to post personal information about me. I waiting for him to start so I can start the ball rolling. 

What ball can you roll ?

you are denying you swam the Demerara River.

Are you denying you had race meet with Nuff ?

Case closed.

I officially deny all your claims as an anonymous poster here. Now start posting personal information about me so I can start proceedings against you and those who claim to know me on this supposedly anonymous forum. 

Good call.

Do not allow the low lives to smear your good name. I agree that you should drag them to the courts if they dare to do so. I do not hesitate to take legal action against anyone who attempts to smear my good name.

They can attack my GNI nick name all that they want but if they cross the line, I will not hesitate to take them to the cleaners.

Who you calling low lives eh..? your guidance and cleaners can't do squat.

Last edited by Django