quote:Originally posted by D2:
Dude I am more guyanese than you are since I have at least two grand parents whose history is that of native people. I do not know what you can expose me of being other than some fantasy of yours.
Also, you are a 9/11 doubter. That speaks for itself. I also do not think that a time line is necessary since the communication chatter points to agents probably already here would be up to evil. The Ben Laden papers references so not have to satisfy your criteria for its authenticity. It has to satisfy those who looked at it understand it contents and told us what were discussed. You can doubt it if as you doubt 9/11 but that is your option. However, I believe that the hundreds of cops I see deployed in the streets are not there because some one concocted a story nor are there simply to show off their pretty uniforms.
Yuh really funny bai. Your foreparents did not come out of the ground of Guyana. They came from somewhere else no different than mine did and by the strongest argument came from the same land mine came from albeit at a different time.
Secondly, I am not a 9/11 doubter. I only pointed to the conflicting news announcements immediately following the incident. One like they found the passport of one of the hijacker somewhere in 23rd street. I don't know if you know how far 23rd street is from ground zero. Also, I was investigated (interviewed) by the FBI following 9/11 and am still here a decade years later free and clear. So what does that speak for?
Lastly you seeing all that deployment convinces you that no one concocted a story would also mean that the 100 thousand plus deployed to go to Iraq must also convince you that what the president was saying then was accurate.