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Reply to "Black Bullies - Guyana continues to be plagued with the race question"

randolph posted:

.  We must acknowledge the problem of racism and address it.  To this end, I urge Mr Jagdeo and all Guyanese to continue to stand against racism.  Racism should never be tolerated.
Dr.  Annie Baliram

Dr. Annie the fact that you define racism in Guyana purely from an Indian perspective and you refuse to accept that equally valid African and Amerindian perspectives exists makes you a racist.

In fact its the Amerindian who has suffered the most because he has had to contend with bigotry from the rest of the population, who often cede to him a status scarcely above an animal.

So you will scream and cry for Jagdeo, because as he peddles his tribal screams, and as the Indian population dwindles the PPP will be in opposition.  By 2020 the non Indian voting population will be more than 55%.  So how can the PPP win when you scream and call blacks bullies?

And Dr. Annie cease living in the Burnham era, because that was the LAST time that Indians were a majority!   Thanks to your Jagdeo Indians are now LESS than 40%!
