Drugb posted:Show some respect for DG and Jaggy. You posted nothing meaningful to celebrate black history month.
Druggie, lover of black vegetables stuffed into your two orifices on what basis do you have to suggest that we dont know our history.
Now I know that you are illiterate and dont read but there are many books on the assorted histories of blacks. You should start with a book written by Walter Rodney on "How Europe Undeveloped Africa". There is another titled " Themes in African Guyanese History" written by several, David Granger being among them.
If you see my home I have scores of books on assorted aspects of the history of blacks. Now I put them on Kindle.
And here is DG posting articles on black individuals and I bet not even reading them. What DG ought to be doing and just confirmed that he is afraid to do is to discuss Afro Guyanese attitudes to the PPP and why these exist.