Ivanka Trump blasted for Black History Month tweet: 'Might want to sit this one out with your pops in charge'
Ivanka Trump asked her followers to remember “that our nation is stronger, better, and wiser for the contributions of black people” throughout history. (Photo: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg)
Ivanka Trump was criticized on Twitter over the weekend for posting that “Black History is American History.”
The first daughter and White House advisor asked her followers to remember “that our nation is stronger, better, and wiser for the contributions of black people” throughout history. But people quickly jumped in to ask if she remembered who her father is.
The Trump administration doesn’t have any black senior White House officials, as the majority of the president’s advisors are white, CNN reported last year. President Donald Trump’s only black senior advisor, Omarosa Manigault Newman, published a book after leaving last January in which she called the president “racist.”
“It had finally sunk in that the person I’d thought I’d known so well for so long was actually a racist. Using the N-word was not just the way he talks but, more disturbing, it was how he thought of me and African Americans as a whole,” Manigault Newman wrote in her memoir, per The Guardian.
Twitter users also pointed out that the president pushed the birther conspiracy that President Barack Obama wasn’t born in the United States. Former First Lady Michelle Obama wrote in her memoir that she’ll never forgive him for promoting the bigoted conspiracy theory.
As many have said ‘Black History is American History.’
To honor Black History Month, let’s remember that our nation is stronger, better, and wiser for the contributions of black people throughout this country’s history. #BlackHistoryMonth
As many have said ‘Black History is American History.’
To honor Black History Month, let’s remember that our nation is stronger, better, and wiser for the contributions of black people throughout this country’s history. #BlackHistoryMonth
Just not in this administration? https://t.co/1Z2RVoB3k7
— Mary Dixson (@marydixson) February 3, 2019
As many have said ‘Black History is American History.’To honor Black History Month, let’s remember that our nation is stronger, better, and wiser for the contributions of black people throughout this country’s history. #BlackHistoryMonth
As many have said ‘Black History is American History.’To honor Black History Month, let’s remember that our nation is stronger, better, and wiser for the contributions of black people throughout this country’s history. #BlackHistoryMonth
Molly Jong-Fast, ✔ @MollyJongFastHer dad and brother may be huge racists but that doesn’t mean that @IvankaTrump can’t use “black history month” as an opportunity to launder her brand.
However, Ivanka had supporters as well.
As many have said ‘Black History is American History.’To honor Black History Month, let’s remember that our nation is stronger, better, and wiser for the contributions of black people throughout this country’s history. #BlackHistoryMonth
As many have said ‘Black History is American History.’To honor Black History Month, let’s remember that our nation is stronger, better, and wiser for the contributions of black people throughout this country’s history. #BlackHistoryMonth
Ivanka wasn’t the only family member whose Black History Month tweet received backlash — First Lady Melania Trump’s post was picked apart a few days prior. Like Ivanka, Melania was asked by Twitter users to remind the president about Black History Month.