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Reply to "Black History Month -- -- General Topics"

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Don't lie.  DG school yuh rass, nuff ah dem people who achieved excellence you didn't know about Now you can swell your chest even more. 

Meanwhile, every Indo who complain about PNC bullying or complain about their questionable behavior in Guyana, you immediately label as Indo Nazi. 

You want us to capitulate your opinion, but this will not happen, we have our own strong opinions and will speak out against atrocities perpetrated by your beloved PNC goons. 

Listen go settle yourself with a big black vegetable and stop chatting nonsense.   Your idiocy reaches to manic levels when that craven rises.

DG schooled me on NOTHING.  Given that you anoint yourself as an expert in black history explain what the Reconstruction is and the true story of Rosa Parks.  Also explain the main sources of enslaved peoples into the USA and where each group predominated!   Explain why only 500k slaves were brought to the USA, LESS than that which was brought to Barbados and how the USA has the largest fully black population outside of Africa.

You scream that I know nothing, so answer those questions.  You can get DG to help you.

Give it a rest, BHM is over. Accept the schooling that DG conferred on to you with humility. Try to get over slavery, we are 2019 now, we had a black president for 2 terms. Old excuses for failure will no longer wash with the people, time to move on. 
