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Reply to "Black unemplyment in the US hits historical heights"

Originally posted by Guyanese4eva:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Lucas:
Caribj seems to believe that the US is a paradise for blacks.

Guyanese blacks flee to the USA. US blacks do not even visit Guyana. Clearly the USA is better for blacks than Guyana.


Key point - stats for Guyanese / foreign blacks are way different than " domestic US blacks" . Blacks that emigrated to the us are statistically more successful .

And statiscally more successful US blacks dont visit Guyana much less desire to live there. If you dont know successful black Americans you need to get out more loads of them exist and as the shootings at the Labor carnival indicate we have our share of low lives.

Dont get caught up in this foreign vs US black nonsense. There is a lot of evidence that many US born Caribbean descent kids (black and Indian) are underperforming.