Danyael posted:Drugb posted:It looks like VVP was brainwashed by the PNC or soup was shared. Unlike d2 and carib who got nothing but yet fell hook line and sinker for their lies.
I am against the PPP not for granger. I give him hell on SN everyday because I think he is an insipid burnhamite ideologue with nary a creative bone. I feel the good people in his party needs to get off their behinds and address his deficiency or the crooked PPP will take their breakfast.
There are no good people in the PNC. We can only hope to minimize the harm to the nation during their tenure. Where Granger can score a legacy is if he has the balls to shut down Guysuco once and for all. But this will play right into the PPP hands as they are hoping that he does the necessary deed and take the blame.