ba$eman posted:Danyael posted:yuji22 posted:Yes, you supported the AFC/PNC. It is folks like you who put Guyana where it is today. A bunch of filth heads are running Guyana, it is bankrupt, corrupt and a crime haven and you supported these clowns.
Dumb as a skunk as usual and completely in the dark as the the discussion here.
No, he's on-point. It's people like VVP who helped put the hapless, racist PNC in power, now they all wringing their hands as they realize they threw their mattie under the bus. They have to face their people, you don't. Also, the fullah crew enjoy each other company!
The PNC are in power because the PPP were crooks that needed to be removed. Even now they still do not seem to have the moral fortitude to auto correct and modify their policies or their message. They are the same old corrupt mess and on that account Granger could note lose. The PPP failed because they were corrupt to the bone.