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Reply to "BREAKING NEWS: Government Minister accused of threatening to kill Kaieteur News’ Publisher/Staff"

In any other country, the government would have fallen


I would strongly urge all Guyanese to keep in front of their eyes, the big picture in relation to the Anil Nandlall tape. It is the story of a cabal inside the Government of Guyana that came to a decision on what to do with Glenn Lall and the Kaieteur News paper itself.
In the coming days, the obsessive talk on this scandal will persist. But the big picture will be lost if we keep Nandlall in the frame as the main culprit. He is not. The chief conspirator in this drama is the cabal. Nandlall is just one of the players who mouthed off to a journalist he knows well.
Why did the Government in less than 24 hours, issue a statement supporting Nandlall? Because the statement was in support of the government itself.  Nandlall implicated the President of Guyana in the game of planned attack on KN and Mr. Lall.  Nandlall said that the President was in discussion with someone close to Lall and a decision was made that the Kaieteur News would stay away from any attack on the government for one week.
On the recording Nandlall said that not even for a week could Lall have “shut his mouth.” What it meant, then, was firstly, Ramotar wanted the KN to stop attacking the government. To test him they gave him a week to see if he could “cool out.”
Secondly, after the passing of the week, and Lall did not play ball, the conspiracy then had to proceed. In both instances, President Ramotar was involved.
Why is President Ramotar giving a newspaper a week to stop attacking the government as a standard by which to judge if the PPP hierarchy could make a deal with him? Why doesn’t Ramotar try that with me? Would they like to give me a week? Give me the week and they will see that in each of those articles for the week all will be filled with the most trenchant criticism of the tyrannical PPP regime, including Ramotar himself.
The Anil Nandlall tape, in which it was enunciated that there will be a planned violent attack on Lall and his staff, is the story of an entrapped government. This is not about an entrapped Minister. I repeat; the context of this thing must be seen as a confrontation with Lall and the leadership of the cabal.
Nandlall, in those twenty minutes, spoke in the plural. You have to be completely deaf not to hear him say that the continuous criticism has reached a stage where certain people (note the plural) have now become sensitive. The tape is punctuated with anger by Nandlall himself about the salvoes fired at him. But time and time again in that deadly 20 minutes of rampage, he constantly referred to the plural.
Here is another brazen example. He said that people have weapons and that they will use them against KN and Mr. Lall. Who are these people with their weapons? Who are the people that have become sensitive? The answer is simple – the extended cabal which takes in the major political players high up the PPP ladder and inside the Government of Guyana and their close associates.
Will the cabal still go through with their war at Saffon Street? I don’t know, because if people die through fire or guns at Kaieteur News in the coming months then I cannot see how the PPP can survive in power.
But this I know; now that the plot has been revealed through a secret recording (see Anil Nandlall’s letter, “There’s no right to privacy known to the laws of Guyana,” in the KN of March 23, 2006, in which he examined the Winston Felix tape scandal and concluded that Felix’s privacy was not invaded by the person who taped him), it would appear that many lives at Kaieteur News may have been spared, and that includes this columnist.
The sickening and chilling part of the tape is the part in which it was clearly stated that when the attack comes, if innocents at KN get killed, then that is something that cannot be avoided. In any other country, this tape scandal (notice I did not say Nandlall scandal) would have resulted in the fall of the government.
Let’s remind readers of the brutality in that tape. It is about a planned violent attack on the offices of Kaieteur News with the specific purpose of maybe killing Mr. Lall and his staff.  Mr. Nandlall made it pellucid that he was referring to people, not an individual. Those people reach high up in the seat of government.
