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Minister Nandlall admits to profanity laced, threatening conversation – “The people who are calling me a coward don’t know me”

October 28, 2014 9:30 am Category: latest news A+ / A-


By Kurt Campbell

Attorney General and Legal Affairs Minister, Anil Nandlall.

Attorney General and Legal Affairs Minister, Anil Nandlall.

[] – Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall has admitted that he was in fact the person recorded in a conversation with a senior Kaieteur News Reporter making what the Publisher Glenn Lall has interpreted to be ‘death threats’ against him and his staff.

Nandlall refused to give iNews a face to face interview saying the government has already spoken.

“I have, I don’t know what to say,” he told iNews this morning, Tuesday, October 28.

During the telephone interview with this online news entity, the Attorney General said he is consulting with his lawyers who are planning a course of action to be taken.

Last evening, hours after the recording went public, the government defended Nandlall’s profanity laced and threatening conversation; saying it “condemns in the strongest possible language the despicable act of a national newspaper to distort and manipulate a private conversation of a Government Minister, whose conversation was illegally recorded, and distorted, and broadcast.”

Publisher of the Kaieteur News, Glenn Lall speaking to members of the media.

Publisher of the Kaieteur News, Glenn Lall speaking to members of the media.

When asked what makes the recording of the conversation illegal, the Minister who remained hesitant in his responses said “no one has the authority to tape private conversations, there is an act of Parliament that regulates the interception of communication between private individuals and I don’t know that any of Kaieteur News reporters are authorized under that legislation to intercept peoples conversations.”

When asked if he had spoken to the reporter involved he said: “I spoke to him, I think so, I don’t know what to say about this whole thing,” adding that, “we don’t know who taped it, whether they taped or tapped… I don’t know if it was Gildarie, you should ask him.”

Meanwhile, in response to comments of persons labeling the Minister as a coward, Nandlall said, “The people who are calling me a coward they don’t know me.

In a subsequent Facebook post Nandlall said: “We live in tragic times. When the sanctity of privacy is removed from communications between humans, the human element is removed from human relations and thereafter, man’s status is reduced to that of animals. It’s even worse when those communications are manipulated and distorted, by technology I suppose, to create a dialogue which is radically different from what occurred -all done by those who wield the power of the press and use the same to persecute and slaughter the character of others. A society in such state borders on anarchy. No one is truly exempt, no one is truly safe, unless they grovel with indignity before those who wield the power to which I have made reference. For in their minds, they are above the law and everything and anyone else. Anyone who tries to apply to them the norms of civilized society and the rule of law, exposes himself and his family to the brutality of their attacks. I will not succumb to cowardice. I am simply not genetically configured that way. History will absolve me. Good always triumphs over evil.”

A voice purporting to be that of the Attorney General could be heard on the almost 20 minutes recording saying among other things: “I told Adam [Adam Harris, Editor, Kaieteur News] everybody don’t have a newspaper to use as a weapon, I told Adam people got weapons. If they continue to attack people like this and they [people] have no way of responding, they will just walk with their weapon into that same f%#king Saffon Street office and wah come shall do.”

The voice allegedly that of the AG also noted: “there is a simpler way of dealing with this situation you know, I tell Glenn already. He knows I have capacity and I know his. I don’t have to go Court every day and issue press statements, I don’t have to resort to those methods…there are far more effective measures to which I can resort.”

Glenn Lall has since filed an official complaint against the Minister with the Guyana Police Force.
