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Reply to "BREAKING NEWS: Government Minister accused of threatening to kill Kaieteur News’ Publisher/Staff"

Ramotar must demand Nandlall’s immediate resignation


October 29, 2014 | By | Filed Under News

- Minister has brought the AG’s Office into disrepute – AFC
The Alliance For Change in a statement released yesterday says the party is “shocked beyond disbelief” at the

Attorney General, Anil Nandlall

Attorney General,
Anil Nandlall

recent revelations in a conversation between a Kaieteur News reporter and the Attorney General (AG), Mr. Anil Nandlall.
The party said that the transcript of the conversation “which the AG has most recently admitted as having said highlights that he has proven himself wholly unfit to hold the office of Attorney General of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana”.
“President Donald Ramotar must demand the immediate resignation of Mr. Nandlall, as his  failure to act swiftly on this issue would be an endorsement of such behaviour by persons who represent our country at the highest level in Guyana and internationally.
“It is now clear to the AFC that our party, civil society organisations and the citizens of Guyana cannot continue to do business with this Government if it holds persons in the ilk of Mr. Nandlall as its representative. Only his immediate resignation could save this country the embarrassment of having one of its highest offices brought further into disrepute and disgrace.”
The party said that it had noted in an audio recording released to the public, Nandlall indicates that he has intimate knowledge of an imminent attack on Kaieteur News, one where the very lives of staff of the media house will be endangered.
“This is a very dangerous state of affairs and must be taken seriously. As a leading figure in the system of law and order and an officer of the court, the Attorney General knows he has an obligation to inform the relevant authorities of an impending crime. Failure to do so is an indication of complicity and brings the office of Attorney General into disrepute.
The Alliance For Change calls on the Attorney General to share what knowledge he has that makes Kaieteur News a “dangerous place to work” and what he knows of people who, “gun just walk with their weapons into that same (expletive) Saffon Street office…”
The AFC stated that its position is that Mr. Nandlall issued veiled threats against the media house when he spoke of not

President Donald Ramotar

President Donald Ramotar

engaging a ‘Chatree’ in war and pointing to a “change in tempo” after Kaieteur News started reporting on a relative of his.
“Such threats coming from the Attorney General is totally unacceptable and raises the concern that he would abuse the powers of his office to victimise the media house.”
The AFC also expressed alarm at “Mr. Nandlall’s derogatory, disrespectful and totally unacceptable sexual comments in the conversation towards a female reporter in the conduct of her duties as a journalist and representative of the media. It is clear by the comments that he was prepared to use his influence to entrap this young woman in loose sexual behaviour. This lends credence to growing reports of high ranking members of the Government demanding sexual favours from women in their employ”.
“The level of language filled with expletives, his threats, hints of having knowledge of an impending serious crime and willingness to promote and encourage loose sexual behaviour are indictments against Anil Nandlall, and enough reason why he should be removed from office and cannot stand as a role model for young Guyanese.
The Alliance For Change is calling on the President to relieve the Attorney General of his position immediately so that the integrity of the Office of Attorney General can be restored,” the statement concluded.
