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Reply to "BREAKING NEWS: Government Minister accused of threatening to kill Kaieteur News’ Publisher/Staff"

Startling revelations in recording…Mr. Nandlall has been caught with his pants down – AFC’s Moses Nagamootoo

October 31, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

The disturbing revelations by Attorney General (AG) Anil Nandlall, in a recorded conversation with a senior reporter

Moses Nagamootoo, AFC Vice Chairman

Moses Nagamootoo, AFC Vice Chairman

of the Kaieteur News, Leonard Gildarie, of a plot to launch a brutal attack on the newspaper’s publisher, Glenn Lall and his employees, have without a doubt unmasked the extent of Mr. Nandlall’s terrorist tactics.
This is the view of Vice Chairman of the Alliance For Change, Moses Nagamootoo.
An experienced journalist and parliamentarian, Nagamootoo opined that to add insult to injury, after the Attorney General admitted to having the conversation with the reporter, President Donald Ramotar came out in support of the government’s “blue-eyed boy”.
“It is a sorry day for Guyana that the President of the Republic, Donald Ramotar, could sanction such madness, and sought to protect an integrity that Anil Nandlall himself has shattered with vulgar expletives,” Nagamootoo lamented.
The parliamentarian asserted that he was particularly disturbed that Nandlall could “flippantly induce a reporter to get out while he can” and be a part of a secret consortium of the highest breed of reporters. Nandlall termed it to be “an elitist press team”.
The AFC Vice Chairman said that the AG used terrorist tactics of an imminent attack on the Kaieteur News in his bid to buy the reporter to leave what he saw as “a dangerous place”.
Nagamootoo emphasized as well that Nandlall during his 19-minute long conversation with the reporter did not request that his comments be treated as “off the record”. “In light of such negligence, the learned AG could claim no privacy or privilege,” Nagamootoo asserted.
“Mr. Nandlall has been caught with his pants down and, sadly, he has become a discredited Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs. He should call it a day, before he drags the PPP deeper into the cesspit.”
In addition, the AFC Parliamentarian said that the Minister was obsessed over a female reporter and was clearly

Anil Nandlall, Attorney General

Anil Nandlall,
Attorney General

“trying to pimp for a third person,” whom he portrayed as a rich “bad-man”.
More disgusting, Nagamootoo said, is Nandlall’s admission that he had accessed and used government’s money for a personal purpose, which he claimed that he has since repaid.
The country’s largest Opposition bloc, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), said recently that they will be investigating this “callous betrayal and unfair misuse of state funds.”
Nagamootoo gave support for such action by APNU as he stated that eyebrows should be raised as to whether, as a senior state functionary, the AG was entitled to such funds. He emphasized that an investigation into that transaction ought to take place now.
He added, “When I read the transcript of the interview, it looked like a hoary chapter from “Murder She Wrote”. Nandlall’s depiction of an attack on Kaieteur News ought to have sent chills up the spine of even the most courageous reporter and press worker. I could only imagine big weapons, shooting up Glenn Lall and his staff, in a violent, bloody, orgy.
Nandlall, caricatured the hari-kiri, as that of “Peter paying fuh Paul” which would ensue when vengeful, unknown persons train their weapons at the Saffon Street press.”
“Mr. Nandlall is obviously intoxicated with power, or else he would have realized that innocent persons would be killed. But in an apocalyptical manner, he dismissed the blood-bath as inevitable.”
Since the damning recording, the Publisher of the Kaieteur News lodged a formal complaint with the Guyana Police Force.
The pressure for Nandlall to demit office immediately continues to increase from the citizenry as well as the joint political Opposition.
