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From the time David Granger was democratically elected as PNCR leader and APNU presidential candidate in 2011, Bharrat Jagdeo and the PPP heaped unwarranted calumny on him.

Being the gentleman that he is, Granger did not respond in kind. I was reliably informed that Granger insisted on conducting a clean campaign for the May 11 elections, as far as speeches at meetings and rallies were concerned. He avoided character assassination and smear campaign, attacking the PPP for its corruption and mismanagement.

Being a married man to Sandra for 45 years, David Granger is a role model for Guyanese families especially in the Afro-Guyanese community.

Unlike some corrupt GDF officers like Norman Mc Lean and Godwin Mc Pherson, Granger was a clean officer who didn't abuse his privileges.

I never had a problem with David Granger as a presidential candidate.

I believe David Granger will be a decent president like Desmond Hoyte.


