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Reply to "British investors agree that Guyana is ‘best investment destination’ -President Granger wraps up day two of UK visit ."

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

Why should we when rather than returning to Guyana when your hero Jagdeo was in charge, you continued to suffer in NYC, terrified that your white bosses would shift your job to India, or get an H1B to replace you.

I am no Granger supporter and have nothing good to say about him. YOU however call Jagdeo a hero and screamed that Guyana was an earthly paradise when he ran that nation.  Even as PPP supporters had to flock to Barbados to scrub toilets, cut grass, and meekly move to the back of the bus, or to stand up, when Bajans demanded that they do so.

Despite all your gushing glory for Jagdeo you remained in the USA screaming that others should return.

Granger is incompetent and he is a dunce and because of this Jagdeo will be back after 2020. Why then should I waste time with that cursed country?


The Indians invested massively under the PPP. Now it is the Blackman turn to put up or shut up. Many of you have millions of dollars in the US, CA and GB but you don't have the confidence in your hero Granger to put that money to risk in Guyana.  You expect the collie man to bear the burden and risk of entrepreneurship. 

As for myself, I had and still have investment in Guyana, under the PNC/PPP and now again the PNC. However under PNC version 2 we are seeing huge losses as the economy tank and jackass Granger tell the people to sell tamarind ball and fry plantain. 

