Well said Rev! All ah dem waitin fu de milk an honey. It's the political culture in Guyana.
Correction, it is the political culture of the PPP and PNC, two parties that were originally one. A vote for the PPP is a vote for the PNC and vice versa. This is where the AFC comes in to bring real change in Guyana.
GR, You, Moses are Ramjhaaatan and Nigel are the WORST thieved on the Planet. Al Yuh aint fooling anyone, the people are aware of your intentions!!! Al YUh screaming fire at a Cremation but the people know very well that Fires are necessary at such an event.
By your own words you are a thiefman feasting on poke cuttahs and henny paid for by poor taxpayers of Guyana.
HEHEHE Rewind and come again FOOL!!