We own a lot of land and the taxes and rates did not take us into t he poor house.
Dont get me wrong, a dictator is a dictator. Burnham was and the Present cabal are. The only difference here is one pretends to be democratic. Which democracy operates with the Administration thinking the can act independent of the legislature and ignore accountability?
Owning land behind god's back as they say in Guyana is not even worth mentioning in the current discussion. However under the PPP even your obscure land has now exponentially increased in value, you should be thanking the same folks you curse every day for your new found wealth. Under the AFC/PNC leadership you would stand to lose massively as immediately property value would fall should these creeps ascend to power.
You are no expert on legislation in Guyana so don't pretend to be one. If the PPP broke the law then it is up to parliament to bring them to justice, you people now have the majority, use it wisely instead of trying to stymie development.
The PPP did not cause the escalation in value of land. That is nonsense. They inherit a transitional democracy and instead of transitioning they consolidated all of the old dictatorial options and actually stymied fruitful growth. Honest entrepreneurs cannot compete with drug lords washing cash or with PPP cronies being given preferential treatment. Instead of the best and the brightest innovators and developers the society depends for its input from a particular class of morons. Only PPP cronies and drug people return. Small business people with innovative ideas to build lasting meaningful manufacturing base are shut out. Your behind is not there because you know you would lose your ass trying to compete against those with preferential treatment or drug lords washing money
I do not have to be an expert on legislative process to know the PPP are crooks defending turf. Democratic societies are a balance of the peoples will against the will of the management authority. If the legislature is to be the Peoples house and the seat of law then it should be the ground for checking the excesses of government. The PPP are crooks. That our AG can clamor for the Parliament to go to court to restrain the excesses of a Kleptocrastic authority is the height of audacity and disrespect for the rule of law. One of these days they will have to respond to the will of the legislature. That does not require great depth of learning to grasp. It is a natural evolution to democracy.