Based on what the politicians are saying there is no chance of a coalition between the AFC and the PPP. What does this mean for the ordinary PPP supporter? It simply means a vote for the AFC automatically translates to a vote for the PNC. Story done!
My generation of East Indian don't see big bad blackman bogeymen coming to kill us like yours. So your race baiting don't matter anymore. Now is time for cooperation and working together.
My friend, do I need to remind you of the years you spent with Ravi Dev's ROAR working tirelessly to convince PPP supporters that they are not being protected by their party in gov't against the anti-Indian PNC? The brutal attacks on Indians in Guyana goes on unabately and the PNC never condemns any of it. On the contrary, they provide legal support to blacks who carried out acts of murder against Indo-Guyanese. A perfect example of such support is Robert Corbin's public annoucement that the PNC will provide free attorneys to represent those charged with the massacre at Lusignan.
Shame on you Mr. Economist.
Dude...the PPP did not protect East Indians, period! The Jagdeo-Ramotar PPP is the enemy from within. The East Indian population has declined from 52% to 43%. The Hinhu population declined from 37% to 26% under PPP. The PPP has broken all the norms of governance and have opened the East Indians to vulnerability. You cannot talk about brutal attacks and not have a state-sponsored Inquiry. What has the PPP done to address these attacks and insecurities other than forming alliances and tacit collusion with drug pushers? Hence making it harder for the legitimate East Indian capitalists to do legal businesses. The PPP is the bane of East Indians. The Jagdeo-Ramotar PPP cabal is the enemy from within. Jokers like you, Ravi Dev, Bisram and Ramcharra fail to take this dimension into account.
TK did you say this:
The Jagdeo-Ramotar PPP cabal is the enemy from within. Jokers like you, Ravi Dev, Bisram and Ramcharra fail to take this dimension into account.
Did you call your old political MENTOR A JOKER - RAVI DEV?
Please explain thank you.
I hope by next Christmas you will not be calling Khemraj Ramjattan an a-hole.