Firstly let me take this opportunity to wish you a Happy New Year.
Welcome aboard Sase and best wishes in the New year---may you enjoy the best of health.
To our debate:
In your answer to another blogger you mentions that "don't be surprised to see Nigel and Trotty putting the royal screw on poor Moses..."
Politics will always have intrigues and political maneuverings but to say the above is being very economical with the truth.
Wasn't Moses led to believe last year the AFC would nominate him as speaker ? Well, Trotty ended up as speaker! What happened ? Looks like Moses was royally screwed---Trotty and Granger worked out a deal behind Moses' back. Right now Moses' name is being tossed around as the AFC's presidential candidate in the next election---Moses shouldn't get his hopes up too high---he'll likely be screwed again.
If you know a GOOD human being like Nigel Hughes you would know that your thoughts are misplaced.
But let us pretend you are CORRECT? What would be the reaction of the ordinary Guyanese voters to the reality if your wish comes through?
What do you mean by ordinary Guyanese voters ?
Listen! Moses has been around for decades and is well loved and respected by many Indo Guyanese, particularly Berbicians.
Now, If Moses were to be the AFC's presidential candidate and if Ramotar's PPP is still perceived to be complacent and corrupt when the next election rolls around, then clearly Moses will add 5 to 10% to the 10.3% Ramjattan received---and that could spell trouble for the PPP holding onto the presidency.
On the other hand, if Nigel and Trotty were to plunge the knife in Moses' back and deny him the opportunity to be the AFC's presidential candidate---then that would doom the AFC---they'll be history.
Hello Rev:
Wasn't Moses led to believe last year the AFC would nominate him as speaker ? Well, Trotty ended up as speaker! What happened ? Looks like Moses was royally screwed---Trotty and Granger worked out a deal behind Moses' back. Right now Moses' name is being tossed around as the AFC's presidential candidate in the next election---Moses shouldn't get his hopes up too high---he'll likely be screwed again.
The AFC got its own GT based leadership council so I cannot speak on their behalf.
What I can say is that Team AFC is not in control of Team Granger and visa versa.
Team Granger has made some decisions that did not meet the criteria of political transparency in the past.
1. The issue of Speakership was one point where Team Granger did not find favour with MOSES but in the end it worked to Moses favour.
TODAY because of his political work and his political pedigree, he is the front runner as the next Presidential Candidate of the AFC.
If he was Speaker he would not have had the latitude to do such a high quality of political work with the people.
2. VERY IMPORTANT - Team Granger foisted their candidate into GECOM rather than follow traditions of reserving one seat for the minority opposition party. That was a "royal screwing" if I am permitted to use your words.
But you must know politics is about the PRESENT MOMENT and even though those past experiences left a severe crisis of trust in place between the AFC and the APNU, we all as Guyanese have to continue to cautiously trust to progress the National Development Agenda.
Similarly, when the AFC voted in favour of the PPP and not with the APNU in the Dec 17th sitting of Parliament, I did not see that as a front page item in the Chronicle? This is a clear indication that when the PPP is right the AFC will vote with them and when they are wrong - against.
The AFC will act as the conscience of the nation.
That is why we can rubbish all that idle talk of APNU/AFC political alliance.
The reality the PNC is closer to the PPP ideologically than it is to the AFC.