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Reply to "Can Moses Nagamootoo as the AFC Presidential Candidate Swing 10%?"

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by JoKer:



I totally agree that a vote for the AFC results in a PNC Minority Presidency. So what?


How can that possibly be worse than the current kleptocracy?

You would have to be quite a young fellow to not know the answer to that question.


So its a choice between a Black dominated kleptocracy and an Indian dominated kleptocracy is it?


If those are the only two choices, I would go for the thieves who tief less which is clearly our Black kleptocrats.

I would go with the thief who did not kill the goose while stealing the eggs.  In real terms the PNC stole much more than the PPP did.  Furthermore, the PNC destroyed by stealing and stole by destroying.  If they are "stealing", then they are more thoughtful about the implications.

Just as you have provided no evidence that the PPP sought to collaborate with the AFC, but preach that the AFC does not want to collaborate, you again make a sweeping statement with no evidence.  


Or is it because mostly blacks died under the PPP's watch, it makes them less murderous?  Or is widespread white collar crime, including the destruction of NIS, less debilitating to our nation than Burnham flying horses to Mathews Ridge?


But if I am missing something though, I'd be grateful for the evidence toward both of your assertions.  Thanks, and I wish you all the best in the coming new year.


Yes, as usual you are missing the point GR.  Isn't Joker's statement similarly sweeping and fill with conjecture?  This point is a matter of perception and who one prefers to support in spite of some levels of corruption.


You are talking gibrich, you see under the PNC the nation's treasury was robbed bare, the economy decimated, civil society collapsed and there was no hope.  Even the criminal were having a hard time who to rob as few had anything. This is a far cry from what we have today.  Even street criminals are finding life easier.

Is this your evidence, baseman?  What about your other assertion that the AFC does not want to collaborate with the PPP?
