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Reply to "Can Moses Nagamootoo as the AFC Presidential Candidate Swing 10%?"

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

[PNC] stole by destroying . . . 

u just so love spouting illiterate shyte . . . Oswald Bates with an internet connection, smh

Yuh trying yuh best to score points on Baseman. But I will explain: you should have understood " The PNC stole and thus destroyed Guyana (They stole every drop). On this Board most of us are doing multiple things at the same time. I would expect some one with a Pea brain to have understood BUT NOT YOU.

i totally understand y'all prablems bai; but since u volunteering fah step in and help the beleaguered Herr Baseman . . . explain how the PNC "stole by destroying" nah

Destroy the institutions, destroyed the private sector by nationalizing, then sucked then dry.  Sometimes stealing destroys, sometimes to steal, you need to destroy the controls, the protections, etc.  Without doing that, you cannot realize the stealing.


Over the 28 years, the PNC has actively participated in both.
