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Reply to "Can Moses Nagamootoo as the AFC Presidential Candidate Swing 10%?"

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:


Servant-leadership is unheard of.




Servant leadership, huh ?


Is that what you folks in the AFC are promising the masses in Guyana---that you'll be a servant of the people if elected ?




Before a politician is elected he makes the world of promises to the people---promising to be servants of the people once elected.


But once elected no politician fancies himself a servant of the people---he carries himself as a MASTER of the people.


That's the way it is Gerhard----politicians fancy themsleves a servant of the people before they are elected---but once elected---they view themselves as master of the people.


Listen Gerhard! If you and your cronies in the AFC ever win the executive branch---you'll understand what the Rev just wrote.


In the meantime, don't bring that "servant-leadership" bull-crap to the Rev---but you can keep lying to the 10% of voters who support the AFC in Guyana---the servant leadership nonsense may appeal to them.




