Rev can you answer this Question
The daughter of the late leaders then pleaded with the PPP/C leaders and members to get back to the high and moral values.
Jalil bhai:
Nadira may be a woman of impeccable honesty and integrity, just like her father was a man of impecable honesty and integrity.
But Nadira needs to understand what the Rev has been preaching"
There is no such thing as an honest politician.
The PPP politicians are only doing what most politicians do---use their power as a leverage to fill their pockets.
The moola is in the executive branch jalil---not the parliament---every single deal that is done in Guyana---a PPP politician benefits financially.
Right now the opposition politicians in parliament are steaming with envy and jealousy---that want in on the action---but they can only get a piece of the action if they are in the executive branch.
When PNC/AFC politicians talk about power sharing---what they really want is a few ministries in the executive branch---in that way---they will be able to share in the milk and honey.hahahaha
Ramjattan, Granger, Trotman, Hughes---thay all want milk and honey jalil bhai.hahahaha
Listen jalil---the Rev prides himself in being bluntly honest.
When yuh tief--yuh must tief big--and dem PPP boys tiefing big---$$$$---millions(US).hahahaha