what the hell do you know about Trotman vs. Nagamootoo faction and who is in which and who is "neutral"?
all u are doing is a lazy carving up by race . . . just like baseman dem
banna give it a rest
Lots more than you think. Like you forgot how HM-Redux used to call the black AFCites selfish, especially Trotman.
Now run along like a good boy and see who the AFC ministers are.
u don't know jack . . . boy
just the other day u were barking about a [Nigel] Hughes faction
spare us your stupidness
Hughes is in the Trotman faction. You don't see how they created a whole ministry for his wife, even though tourism will never be important in Guyana. Note. No Ministry of External Trade.
rite, Kathy Hughes get's the 'strategic' Tourism portfolio . . . what a cunning move by dem AFC blackman
what passes for "analysis" from the likes of u is a crude counting by race . . . little more
like i said, u know plenty idle gossip . . . but u don't know jack