again, what's this got to do with AFC "factionalism"?
Chat with HM_Redux when he was screaming at how selfish the black AFCites were. This before the APNU AFC collaboration. They didn't come from no where.
Since when do bougie black and red people from G/town know or care anything about Corentyne Indians?
you're conflating all manner of personal shyte, fighting ongoing tribal battles in your head and coming up with confusion
get some rest
I would think that this election should have shown you that tribalism is alive and kicking and tribalism was as much a feature of this election than it was in 2011.
If you doubt look at Region 6 where Moses spent loads of time yet LOST Indian votes, even as the PPP added 7100 more to their 2011 numbers. You think that Berbicians were more impressed with the PPP in 2015 than they were in 2011.
Guyana remains as tribal a country as it was in 1992 and any coalition supporter who ignores this fact fools themselves.