It's nice to know Clarissa Riehl is coming to Canada. She is a no-nonsense woman who speaks her mind but she will have to talk diplomatic talk now.
This appears to be another square peg in a round hole. Ambassadorship should not be a political reward. The person would be representing Guyana and need to have class and proper etiquette, not like Granger who buse down Maduro on the world stage and caused the petro carib deal to be cancelled.
Funny thing.
1. the PPP sent Killaman as ambassador to Brazil. Yes the man who was frequently drunk, and he pistol whipped a PPP supporter because he was speaking to a woman who killaman had his eyes on.
2. Aside from Bayney Karran and Odeen Ishmael, and yes Cheryl Miles before the PPP forced her out to make way for another PPP thug, almost NONE of the PPP appointed "diplomats" had any class.
3. Priya bused down the US ambassador. Jagdeo used to cuss out the USA and the UK. He screamed and cried and had a mental break down when T&T handed over RK to the Americans. Even wanted to leave CARICOM.
Interesting that your idea of diplomacy is begging a dictator who frequently attacks your country. "Me sarry dat me let dem Americans come look for oil in YOUR territory. Me only let dem in because elections coming and me had to fool up dem Guyanese, but me plan to chase dem out and hand over de oil to you. Please buy me rice because nobady don want it".
Any oil granja will find is coconut oil to grease his balls.