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Reply to "Charrandas explains why he did it"

Baseman posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I don't care what Prashad said.  I'm keeping my eyes on you. You just open a can of worms that is giving me some 2015 flashback.  

I care about what Prashad said in the interest of accuracy.

Now, I don't doubt what I said in 2015 BEFORE the elections, namely that the PPP could not win with Indian votes alone. The actual results showed that the PPP performed exceedingly well. It got more than Indian votes but still lost. That was 2015.

If you're keeping eyes on me, you would have noticed what I told Django yesterday. I said that having regard to the PPP's recent performance at LGE, it can win upcoming general election as, besides Indians, it has great Amerindian support especially in Regions 1 & 9. Plus some Afro support. Am I wrong? 

And remember, pre 2015 you wanted to see the back of BJ at all costs!  You got your wish, along with many in the AFC!

I remember. I am always ready to admit my mistakes and address them. As you have seen.
