seignet posted:Mars posted:seignet posted:Mars comment is based on ignorance. The man was elected to parliament, he became an integral part of the country. Not AFC or anything else such as the AFC or PNC base.
He did the correct thing. And if a survey was held today, majority of Guyanese would agree with him. Other than Mars and anti-indian stance.
Mars belongs to the Other People group.
He's nothing but a common traitor, one who betrayed his own party in their greatest time of need, for a few pieces of silver from his own kind. That's something that an ole racist like you, who has no bloody integrity, would applaud. The majority of Indians would agree with Charrandas, especially those racist ones like you. I don't belong to any group. I have a mind of my own that is sound and intelligent. Not something that I can say of you.
typical racist rants coming from the Other People. Dem or Us. THe Racist Red Man.
You must have done a DNA test on me to know I'm a Red man. Stupid ole jackass. When I don't subscribe to your racist diatribe, you call me a racist. Based on our past behavior here, it is clear to see who's the real racist and it isn't me. Repent, you ole goat. Time short.