ksazma posted:As of this moment, the onus of failing to reform the Constitution is on the Coalition government. N
And the role of the opposition party was to make them do so.
Now if the NC was about the failure of the Coalition to move on with this process and they lost the NC many would have been quite happy to see them go, and I bet MPs voting would have been ethnically diverse, removing any claims of ethnic machinations.
But Jagdeo loves that Burnham constitution even more than Granger does. He just wants to ensure that his appointed stooge gets the protection that this constitution provides.
If Jagdeo were truly as smart as some claim he would have made the NC about the constitution and then sat back and watch coalition supporters argue amongst themselves.
But bullyism and corruption is all that he knows. Even Siggy had to admit that Jagdeo loves Burnham even more than Granger does.