Charandass did Guyanese politics the greatest good. The PPP will face the same situtation if they screw up. MP’s will no longer be afraid to support a no confidence motion.
It looked like Volda wanted to strangle Charandass when he voted yes. She slammed her fist on Charandass desk after he said yes. The two bannas beside him either elbowed him and swore at him but he was determined to stand up for what he believed in and clearly satiated that voted with his conscience.
A female PNC member uttered a death threat to Charandass. Is this the PNC that Mars now defends ?
What many forgot that it was Charandass who spearheaded the AFC Berbice campaign and was instrumental in their success. This man was unfairly treated after he was harassed by a police and the PNC did nothing to rectify the situation. Had that happen to black MP, the police officer would have been fired and or jailed.
He also clearly stated that he wrote to Trotman regarding Racist Volda’s statements and Trotman ignored him and supported Vulgar Volda instead. He was also angry that AFC PNC voted for murderer Greene’s pension package and that the AFC had become PNC’s yes man. They had no balls to stand up to the PNC.
PPP Appealed to the conscience to the MP’s on the government side and and Charandass demonstrated that he has a conscience.
Mars is totally out of order and despite him denying that he does not support any party his political positions, actions, posts and pictures are all in support of the PNC. The emperor has no clothes.
It is for history to judge Charandass.
The next big demand for Guyanese is to have a constitutional reform that allows for coalitions AFTER elections. This will put the PPP and PNC in order.
Ray should play the Charandass said no song which is now a big hit.