ksazma posted:cain posted:Mars postedOnly two weeks ago the man voted yes on the budget and gave an overwhelming speech in favor of the government. If he had a beef with the government, he should have done the honorable thing and resigned.I agree the government needed a wake up call but what you said here is also correct.
The man did what every dam politician does, he put himself first before party and country.
Cainsta, I think that voting for the budget was a brilliant move by Charandas. The NC motion was filed in mid November and the Coalition immediately went into panic mode to the point of not showing up for work that day. After they regrouped, they demanded that the budget be voted on before any debate or vote on the NC motion. A good lawyer never ask a question he does not already know the answer to and Charandas is a lawyer. Had he shown his hand on the budget debate, he would be irrelevant to the NC motion which was already in filed by the Opposition. So he glorified the budget and voted for it perhaps knowing fully well that even if he had a problem with it, it may not come to fruition. Then he sat and waited for the only opportunity possible to stop the actions of the Coalition government which had effectively became a PNC government shortly after the 2015 elections. The AFC was only there to vote for PNC whims and fancies. His actions were brilliant and by operating as astute as he did, he effectively put the country ahead of everything and everyone, even himself.
I watched those videos again focusing on him and not the speakers. This dude deserves an Academy award. He sat through over six hours of debate and smiled through the whole thing knowing that he was about to bring down the whole government. And then further proceeded to give a press interview after he brought down the Gov’t. That Rass is nerves of steel. And then skeddadle out of the country while they are looking for him at CJIA. This guy needs to star in his own James Bond movie.