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Reply to "Check this stroke out from APNU-AFC....President intends to make formal invitation for PPP to join the Coalition"

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The Indians won the election for Granger. .

If you base this on race then Indians get little because they probably didn't account for more than 5% of the coalition votes.


I suggest that you therefore drop that conversation.

5% Indians cross over to coalition, coalition won by 1%.  Guess who decided the new prezzy?

It's actually more - 10%! I told you so!

Well imagine that.  10% crossed of a 42% population base.  PPP got 49%, so who made up the 17%?  Seems the numbers do support the premise that the PPP has a much wider appeal than just the Indian base.


Caribj, any thought?


TK, so when you going back, I'm sure the ruling party appreciates your contributions to bringing home the bacon.  UG is in great need.

Baseman the African population is much smaller than the Indian population, and yet the PPP was beaten.


APNU AFC grabbed more non African voters than did the PPP grab non Indians.


This is what the PPP got for running the most racist campaign since 1964.

My question still stands.  TK (a man close to the election) says AFC pulled 10% Indian votes.  So who made up the 17%.


Now, if I take your numbers of 5% Indians crossing, then they [PPP] got 50% of the non-Afro/non-Indo vote as the two groups make up approx 75%.


This does not support your premise that the PPP is an "Indian." party.

What is your point? PPP gets a substantial number of mixed votes and almost 66% Amerindian votes.

Well, that's a cock fight between you and Caribj who rants the PPP is an "Indian" party.
