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Reply to "Chicken Feed Money from abie bai Mr TK"

Labba posted:
yuji22 posted:

We do not disagree with what TK just presented.

TK is like a Christmas Blow Blow.

Remember that it was TK and Gerhard who were instrumental in the marriage of the AFC and PNC. Many have short memories.

Where are they today ? Like so many, they were used and abused by the PNC. I read at GNI in an unconfirmed report that Gerhard ran away to Germany and TK is still writing what if this and what if that.

PNC is like a story of the scorpion and the frog. KN had a very nice Peeping Tom article in this.

Ehehehe...balahoo bai...Yuh knockin we bai Mr TK. Everybody gat a right foh run Guyana and screw am up. Yuh bai dey leff am in paradise? It was sweet like soomotto and going to moon nah? Deem coolie bais start mix rum wid coke and rob dem mattie from Nov 2015? Hey hey hey...

When the PNC Part One left Guyana it was bankrupt.

There was blackout, no gas, line up for food. Kick down the door bandits was the norm. Indos had to get PNC cards for jobs.

No Kero, No gas, no toilet paper, no soap, no aloo, no sardines, no deal, you get the drift.

The economy was flat, no foreign currency. Military dictatorship, no freedom of the Press, journalists were jailed, Loud mouth Freddie should have disappeared under PNC part one.

The schools had no steps. There was no pure drinking water across Guyana. There was no hope. We Berbician had to line up for two days to cross we own Berbice river.

Every election was rigged. Burnham and Hoyte always did it again.

Man I can go on and on. Man how come you forgot so easily ?

Ask Chief, he had to hustle and sell smuggled goods to survive. Let me remind you Labba Rat, The PPP changed the landscape. Guyanese thrived under the PPP. 

Some Guyanese like you think that Government should also put food, rum and Labba Meat on the table to make people happy. Man Labba, are you socialist ? Na try to rub PNC kaka on de PPP and compare their term to the PPP.

In less than three years PNC part two is outdoing PNC part one.

BTW, TK will forever remain, if this and if that. If something had wings it would fly and hit TK on the head and put some brain in it so that he would stop Grasshopping.

At least we bai Gerhard ketch sense and ran away.


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