Originally Posted by GT Stingaa:
Geeta Chandan Edmond was wrongfully terminated by de scumbag PPP govt. Let's find this beautiful intelligent lady a job in de US
HGP Nightly News- After ten years of service, Magistrate Geeta Chandan Edmond was fired for doing her job.
Edmond had recently found the son of the Prime minister guilty of unlawful wounding .He was supposed to be sentenced on Friday last, the very day she was fired.
"Its hurting to know i lost my job all beacuse i followed my oath". Chandan said .
She told Nightly News that she can afford to walk with her head high knowing that she did her job..and followed the oath she took.
"There are no allegations of illegality or impropriety levelled against me" Chandan told Nightly News.
HGP Nightly News- After ten years of service, Magistrate Geeta Chandan Edmond was fired for doing her job.
Edmond had recently found the son of the Prime minister guilty of unlawful wounding .He was supposed to be sentenced on Friday last, the very day she was fired.
"Its hurting to know i lost my job all beacuse i followed my oath". Chandan said .
She told Nightly News that she can afford to walk with her head high knowing that she did her job..and followed the oath she took.
"There are no allegations of illegality or impropriety levelled against me" Chandan told Nightly News.
Geeta should not have heard any case where her husband Joel Edmond representing his clients to appear before her as a sitting Magistrate? She ought to have known better and declared a conflict of interest. I would have dismissed her for that alone.