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Class at the Democratic Convention

The difference is like night and day.

Corey Booker, whom I thought would have been a brilliant Vice-Presidential nominee for Hillary Clinton, and who would one day be the 2nd African-American President of the USA, was reminiscent of Barack Obama in 2004.

And Michelle, man....that was a moving speech. She was emotional towards the end. Don't mess with a Black woman's husband. Donald Trump got a handful from her.

Al Franken turned back the clock on his previous stand-up comedian life, but Sarah Silverman -always a brilliant comedienne - got the Bernie people to finally pipe down.

If you missed Corey Booker and Michelle Obama watch them on YouTube. I like Elisabeth Warren, but she has a tough act to follow from these two. And Bernie is up next. Oh, and to heae Paul Simon sing Bridge over troubled water......

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