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Reply to "Class at the Democratic Convention"

ba$eman posted:


There was so much dishonesty on display.  All great talk as they are good at.  Bernie Sanders sold out his flock and ideology.  He was Borked my Wassermann-Shultz who was fired by the DNC to be promptly hired by Hillary.  His views and aspiration will be promptly tossed aside once Hillary gets the votes.  He will be given the AFC treatment.

What message are we sending parading a whole host of Law breaking illegal immigrants shedding crocodile tears.  They should have thought of that when they broke the law and cheated their way infront of those respecting the system.  but €€crooked hillary will embrace anything to get elected!!

 Bernie Sanders sold out his flock and ideology - if you listened to Bernie Sanders saying he got most of his issues on the Democratic platform and called it the most progressive in the history of the Democratic party, you won't say this.

His views and aspiration will be promptly tossed aside once Hillary gets the votes.  He will be given the AFC clearly don't understand the role of the arm of government called the Congress.
