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Reply to "Class at the Democratic Convention"

Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:

To truly appreciate how far we have come since Obama took office, one has to reflect that the market was under 8000 points after the crash and is somewhere near 19000 points today. That is nearly two and a half time better. Also, we were losing some 800 thousand jobs each month for three consecutive months before the bleeding stopped followed by over seven years of positive monthly job growths. People can spin the facts however they want but that is their prerogative. The rich have gotten richer and the poor have gotten better although there is still need for improvement amongst the poor. My condition has also gotten better.

Rush is mad and it looks like some here accept his nonsense. Today he is doubling down by injecting race, religion and race which tells me that he is more worried about how great the Dems did last night even though he is pretending that the Dems had a bad night last night.

When Obama took over the White House the US debt was $10 trillion.  Today it's $19 trillion.  Trump has his work cut out for him to reduce that deficit.  But only he can do it.   The US needs a businessman to run the country now and not a politician.  If Trump wins and he reduces the deficit, which he will, he get re-elected in 2020.

Do you know that government spending is controlled by the Republican Congress and Senate? Do you know that some of the spending was already in place long before Obama came to the White House? When Obama tried to cut the budgets such as the trillions spent on the military, it was shot down (pun intended) by the Republican House and Senate.
