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Reply to "Coalition headed for divorce??"

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Irrelevant what Guyana is doing in relation to other countries. Their circumstances aren't the same. It had to pull itself from the grave starting in 1992. It has developed although you don't care to acknowledge it. Some people in Guyana takes more vacations than some of us here. Vacations to places like New York. Some New Yorkers can't even afford to go to Orlando. Ask Nehru.

Guyana was exhibiting growth rate of 5% and above when the PPP came to power in 92. It had done a complete U turn with an opening up of the society and a freeing up of money. The soviet union was dead, t he economy of the west had recovered and loans were easy. The US even developed a complete HIV recovery plan with wheat for flour.


Guyana still shows an average earning of 3500, among the lowest in the west. That is not a nation with lots of cash for fancy vacation. Amerindians and rural indians still earn 2 dollars a day. Ramotar new call centers left low cost Mexico to locate in Guyana and these facilities are the modern day replacement for the garment factory sweat shops. If they left Mexico for Guyana for labor do you think the are paying six dollars an hour? I am sure it is six per day!


You are a bean counter so you know what it means to have no producing assets, and already owes 100 percent of GDP, has no reserves and has to borrow to do anything and the loan sharks is China. We are hell bent on a road to economic serfdom to the Chinese. It is a complete illusion that we are on the fast track to prosperity. Add the penalty of corruption ( it is a tax) and mismanagement and you have a recipe for continued impoverishment.
