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Reply to "Coalition headed for divorce??"

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
I noticed they both are tripping over themselves to say stupid upon stupid things.


I'm sure have leading PNC social media types praising the PNC for handing out houselots wid every coolie homan is not the best strategy for an already paranoid and shrinking ethnic population. Especially when that paranoia is quite justified.

sick bastard!


where in gawd's name is the PNC "handing out houselots wid every coolie homan"??


why is reality never enuf for the febrile race cultists on this BB?

The operative word is SOCIAL MEDIA TYPES, not the PNC as an organization. 


His reference isnt to the PNC leadership, but it is to a few of their rather naive supporters, who do not understand that ethnic identity among Indians is different than it is among blacks.  So such statements can be distorted and made to look like an advocacy for some sort of Indian Holocaust, which is actually the OPPOSITE of their intent.


I thought I was pretty clear and quite fair to the PNC for pointing out the source as PNC Social Media "Types" and not the PNC leadership. I did so for good reason. Thank you for your fairness.


Indians (even the most liberal Indians) are friggin appalled at the idea of us being douglarized out of existence. Talbot may mean it as some benign solution to Guyana's race issue as I'm sure it's a solution to every nation's race issue but Indians like any other relatively closed ethnic group hears extermination and genocide by other means as effective as mass murder without the pesky news reports. Saying this kind of nonsense to Indians is the surest way for us to go back on the PPP plantation because we like being Indian and we celebrate our heritage and want it preserved. Douglarizing us all doan do that.
