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Reply to "COME IN DJANGO AND LEONORA.. LOOk HOW AYO Idren IGUANA THINK OF AYO as home owners .. Barefoot Refugee"

Labba posted:

Hey hey hey...Naaaa...Indos and coolies can do good even under discrimination, jim crow and apartheid. Hey hey hey. Blackman own house and property in Jim Crow time...Coolie can do same...remember yuh state in life is 60% CHOICE and 40% society obstacle. Guyana coolies and Indos doan get affirmative action. Me niece dem get perfect SAT score and UPenn and dem Ivy (like we gurl Miss Ivy) seh how ayoo privilige and brown. Imagine dem wite liberal sk&%^ts telling abie privilege. Hey hey hey. Dem parent dem pay de full ride. Dem gurls is MD and MD/professah now. Is CHOICE...min 60% CHOICE...dem conservative wite man right bout dis choice ting...

It does not matter if some black people owned homes or Natives were land owners etc. It matter that Jim Crow was the template for the Nuremberg laws. It matters that it was the violence and the injustice meted out on millions of people on whose backs and through whose spilled blood we gain what is available today. 

Conservatism as it currently is projected is a disease. Baldwin said the individuals one should most fear for their personal safety is the conservative Christian. They are the devils kin where colored people are concerned. Read Sonny's Blues for what made Sunny played the blues and his ivy league brother could never grasp. If you are TK I definitely think you should read it and take it to heart. If it cannot save you then see ya! 

Ivy League does not confer immediate benefaction. Going there can also make you acutely aware of the entrenched structures of discrimination that exists in this land. It is white privileged at its solar maximum. And perfect SAT scores do not mean bright. It often means the perfectly indoctrinated/acculturated kid and not the creative, curious and potential genius kid who will make a difference to the world
