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Reply to "Comin to a Mall near U, Al Shabaab"

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

The fact is that the Ibn Ishaq and al Tabari, the most pro-Muhammad biographers one can possibly quote, paint a picture of a violent desert warlord who was basically a successful caravan raider

Dem bais are crazy. I am actually beginning to toss out my ahadith books because there is so much there that appears to be made up to support the people at the time needs. One can read about 5 straight pages about something and have all these different scenarios. Try trying to understand what the Prophet did between Asr and Maghrib and you will end up with serious eye turn. And this is all the most reliable Sahih Bukhari books. The ahadiths to me is just a reference but I don't care for what is written there. In the Qur'an, Allah had to convince Muhammad that it was right for him to defend himself when he was struggling with the idea of picking up arms. The verse stated '.... sometimes you hate that which is good for you......" These ISIS bais got it wrong. They are more following Umar than Muhammad.
