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Reply to "Comrades"

ksazma posted:

Everyone should support a recount. But even before they do so they should insist that Mingo return to the proper verification of the official SOPs. If his copies are bastardized, he should say so and defer the operation to Lowenfield who can use his copies to properly verify the actual votes cast on march 2, 2020.

The whole world knows the count, and the PNC knows they lost. Otherwise they be happy to publish the tally. No tally, no PPP. Black ppl already tie dem bellies for sanctions if it does happen. But, Black ppl knows this will all pass over. Indians eventually will forget about Jagdeo and Irfaan until the next elections, if there ever should be other elections.

Like I said Election day would be a sad day for Guyana. The PPP thinks they are an honorable group, fighting about honor when they are as crookish as the PNC boys and girls. It is not about the ballot, iz who gat the resources to tek the country.
