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Remember dis waan . . .  de "contract" coming up for renewal March 2013.


Ball in the Opposition court . . . time overdue to nail this exemplar of tiefman governance and open eyepass.



Strategic Security Services awarded $1.1 B contract to secure state property FEBRUARY 4, 2012 | BY KNEWS | FILED UNDER NEWS - Whittaker warns against “watchmen”


The government yesterday signed over a $1.1 billion contract to a single firm to provide security for state properties in all ten administrative regions. The winning contractor, Richard Kanhai, of Strategic Security Service, said he was “delighted” to have received the contract, saying that his company was not new to the business, having once served five regions in the country.
Minister within the Ministry of Local Government, Norman Whittaker, cautioned the firm that the government was not looking for “watchmen” and he hoped that the able security personnel would be recruited.

Richard Kanhai receivesthe $1.1 billion security contract from Minister Norman Whittaker.


Minister of Local Government Ganga Persaud also warned that should there be lapses on the part of the security firm, resulting in loss of property or other assets, the firm would be held “accountable and answerable.” He said that the Ministry has requested that the security personnel be able, alert and have the necessary training, attitude and behavior which are necessary for the provision of an effective security service.
Strategic Security Service will begin the one year contract at the beginning of March. Currently, Homesafe Security and Domestic Services and RK Security Services have contracts for various regions. The change in contracts occurred as a result of a tender process, followed by a “no objection” from Cabinet, and then the eventual award by the National Tender Board and Procurement Administration.
The contract was signed between the security firm, the Ministry of Local Government and the Regional Executive Officers of the ten regions. Minister Persaud said that it is expected that the locations which have been identified for the provision of security services would be provided with “consistent services.”
The contractor is being paid with respect to the provision of security service in the various regions, where the number of locations that has to be secured varies. In Region One, for the 84 locations that have to be secured, the contractor will receive $104.6 million. For Region Two, the contract is for $143.9 million, for provision of security services at 99 locations. In Region Three, 147 locations have to be covered, for which the contractor will receive $150.7 million. The contract for Region Four is valued at $254.4 million, mandating the contractor to secure 146 locations. In Region Five, 61 sites have to be secured at a cost of $74.1 million. In Region Six, the contractor will be paid $224.9 million to protect 117 locations.
A total of 28 locations will be secured in Region Seven for the sum of $40.1 million, while in Region Eight; the contractor will receive $6 million to secure 7 locations. In Region Nine, $20.8 million will be paid for securing 18 locations, while the 82 locations in Region Ten will be secured at a cost of $87 million.

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