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Reply to "Crime at Historic Lows in NY City"

Labba posted:
ronan posted:
Labba posted:

Bai dey cyant treat dem Guyana criminals light. Ayoo remember when Hoyte start hang dem and black clothes shoot dem. Crime was low under Hoyte. Yea de extra judicial shoot up and kill up was black police pon blackman with Hoyte. Abie only hear bout extra judicial when dem Indo govt shoot dem criminal. Abie only investigate now. It is good and okay and fine foh blackman police foh kill blackman, na? 

was actual police killing black criminals under Hoyte

and president Hoyte as commander-in-chief tek responsibility

btw, hanging is not extra-judicial

under jagdeo black CRIMINALS like Axel Williams was killing under gajie orders (gajie lie like a coward and seh he din know nothing) and raja was clearing space fuh he narco empire and protecting the PPP using (again) black criminals

and president jagdeo bawl to de world dat he guvment din subcontract no murdering

When police in PPP time shoot dem dey also bawl extra judicial killin. Me know dat foh fact. Is all part of de grand scheme. Me say hang dem. Me agree dat is not extra judicial. Dey gat to start hang criminal who bruk and enter and kill. Immediate hang. See how dem ease off. 

Meh agree wid yuh deh!
