Desperate times under the afc/apnu push people to killing babies;

Baby shot dead – by man dumped by granny
A MAN scorned, who knows his way around guns, yesterday paid his ex-lover a visit, in spite of a restraining order against him, and made good on a threat he’d earlier made. Having promised he’d make her rue the day she left him, he fulfilled it by pushing his hand through a grilled window of her Annandale, East Coast Demerara home, and, taking careful aim, shot dead her infant grandchild, and injured her 12-year-old daughter before fleeing the scene in a waiting blue motorcar.
Dead is one-year-old Ariane Gill, who was shot in the back in the region of the upper left shoulder. Her 12-year-old aunt Ashley Wellington, a student of Covent Garden Secondary, was shot twice in the left leg, and has since been admitted to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).
Their assailant has been positively identified as 45-year-old Marc Angoy, who operates a business in the interior and is also involved in mining activities. A former member of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF), Angoy was several years ago charged for murder but was later acquitted.
Reliving the incident to the Guyana Chronicle, Shenay Northon, the woman at the centre of the tragedy, said:
“It was about 1:30 pm; we were at home. The front door was locked, and the back door was locked; my big daughter was inside cooking, and Ashley and Ariane were in the living room watching TV. I was inside taking a rest; and then I hear these shots start going off.”
Springing to her feet, she went to see where the gunfire was coming from. “I see Ashley with Ariane in she hand, running to the back of the house; and I see Marc at the window with the gun in his hand just shooting…
“When we run into the bathroom for cover, I see Ashley foot bleeding; then when I look at she foot, I see two shots. When I check the baby, I see a shot in her back and like she was black-out.”
Hysterical by then, the mother of six said she ran outside of the house, and was just in time to see the shooter dashing up the road, and hopping into a waiting blue car.
She then grabbed the children and ran to the upstairs apartment, the tenant of which offered her the use of their land-phone to call a taxi to take the injured children to the Georgetown Hospital.
Noting that theirs had always been a tumultuous relationship, particularly in the last three years, Northon said the reason she left Angoy was because of the constant abuse she suffered at his hands. “I left him because of abuse in every way possible: physical, mental, verbal, emotional; every way possible,” she said.
At one point, she said, things became so unbearable, she was forced to take out a restrainging order against him. That was back in August, after ending the relationship.
Looking back, she said he’d always threatened to get even with her. “He told me on October 7, when I went up back in the interior, that he is going to hurt the closest thing to me; when he saw me the same day at the river corner, he had a cutlass. He told me he will hurt the closest things to me, and chop me up and kill me; and that how I will live with pain for the rest of my life.”
After the encounter, Northon said she made a report at the nearest police station, but that didn’t stop Angoy from pursuing her. When he wasn’t abusing her verbally, he’d send her text messages saying what he’d like to do to her.
The reason she came home from the interior last Thursday, she said was because of a court matter they have pending. She also came because she knew that the children were afraid to stay by themselves in Annandale, because of the threats.
“I know my children were scared to stay at the home in Annandale, because they know he was in town; so I decided to come home, too, because I couldn’t leave them on their own,” she said. They even slept on occasion at relatives in Buxton.
They’d just come home yesterday to clean and wash up before going back to Buxton when the incident occurred.
She said the reason Angoy targeted those two particular children was because he knew how much she loved them; how close they both were to her heart.
“I normally call her ‘Princess’; and he know I care a lot for these two…” Northon said, adding:
“We tried patching up the relationship many times before, but he is very abusive. He even smoke cocaine in the house, and because of his behaviour towards me, my children could not stand it and they moved out.”
Stressing that she could not live without them, Northon said she made up her mind once and for all to sever the relationship and make amends with her children.
“He called my 12-year-old daughter’s phone 17 times Friday morning; he constantly terrorises us after the separation,” she said. “I even left him with my shop in the interior, and with the help of my son, I opened a new shop recently. He even sabotaged my generator I purchased from Silvies store; he filled the oil pump with sand,” she added.
According to the tenant who lives in the apartment above Northon’s, she heard three loud reports, but thought it was squibs because the Christmas season is fast approaching.
But on peering out the window, she saw a man fleeing up the street. That man was no doubt Marc Angoy.
By Rabindra Rooplall