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Looks like an execution by car.


CAPE Student killed in hit and run accident


Seventeen-year-old Denilson Rose, aka Nello, of 15 Fair’s Rust, Mackenzie, Linden, was killed in the wee hours of Saturday morning as he was returning home from a party.

Denilson Rose

Denilson Rose

Rose was hit from the back on the Washer Pond Road and dragged about 200 feet before the vehicle stopped and the driver removed the body, then drove away.
According to a taxi driver, Roydon Harris, aka ‘Monkey Man’, he alerted the police to the accident. “I just do a drop off over de river and was going down de road when on de turn about 3:30 I see this dark thing on de road.
“So I put on me bright lights and see de body lie down and all de blood so I go to de station and tell de police.”
According to Rose’s mother, Elaine Williams, a Special Constable attached to the Mackenzie Police Station, she was in her bed when a car pulled up and asked her if Nello lived there. She said that when she answered in the affirmative she was told that they found him dead on the Washer Pond Road.
She said that she was in shock and even accused them of killing her son.
Rose and his friend “Bucky” were in the Inter Secondary School sports last Friday and were involved in an argument with another youth who brought two friends who allegedly live in Cayenne and they attacked them.
A wailing Williams said “Just last week dey stab meh son and I report it to de police and dem ent do nothing. Now dem kill me baby; dem murder he. Where he friends dem deh now fuh cry wid me?”
Rose left earlier on Friday to attend the Champion of Champion Sports meeting at the Mackenzie Sports Club Ground. According to reports after the sports he was seen with friends in the L and L Social Club.
At the hospital, pandemonium broke out even as the hearse waited to transport the body to the morgue. Rose’s mother held his hand, wailing.
The grieving mother said that her younger daughter called him a few minutes to eleven Friday night and he told her that he was just around the corner and that he would be home soon. She noted that about one hour later she called him again and his phone rang out. She said she called again and the phone was turned off.
Rose’s older brother, Kevin, said that he is puzzled over the fact that his brother ended up on the Washer Pond Road because he doesn’t walk home. “Me brother doan walk home, he prefer to beg a drop before he walk.”
Rose turned seventeen on October 3, last. According to his mother he had just completed his CSEC in May/June last at Brickdam Secondary School and was successful in eight subjects. At the time of his death he was a sixth form student at the Mackenzie High School preparing for CAPE 2016.
A broken license plate was found on his body apparently belonging to the car that hit him. The license plate bearing the number PRR 6503 was traced to Marlon “Brando” Washington.
Washington, a Special Constable in Georgetown, told investigating ranks that when he hit Rose he was already dead.
Rose’s bag and cellular phone cannot be found. An autopsy will be done on the body on Monday. (Jacquey Bourne)
