Police nab two after high-speed chase
October 21, 2015 By
– narcotics, cash found; MMC guard injured
Police on Tuesday arrested two “known characters” during a high-speed chase along the East Bank Demerara (EBD)
Highway, which resulted in a MMC security guard receiving injuries after the vehicle in which he was travelling turned turtle.
The incident occurred sometime around 13:00h in the vicinity of Eccles, EBD. Guyana Times understands that a blue SUV motor vehicle, in which two plain clothes officers were travelling gave chase to a white Toyota Allion motorcar, which the two known characters occupied.
The chase started at the Eccles Industrial Site Access Road and proceeded into Old Road, Eccles before ended at the Atlantic Petroleum Gas Station, Eccles.
According to a staff at the gas station, the white Allion existed the street at a fast speed turning left onto the Public Road. The female staff member further related that she then noticed a blue SUV giving chase.
The woman recalled that one of the officers from the SUV fired a shot into the air, causing the Allion to stop in front of the gas station.
The officers exited the SUV and went to the car, she said. “They went and search the guys in the Allion. They (Police) then lock-up the car and take the guys that were in it to their vehicle and left… There were two guys in the Allion,” she said.
The motorcar bearing registration number PSS 9566 was left in the vicinity of the gas station when this newspaper visited shortly after.
Civilian injured
During the chase, four ranks attached to MMC Security Force Inc were travelling in the company’s open back pick-up