Seems that all the claims by the afc/apnu that they will clean up the crime situation is all hot air as we see the citizens continue to pay the price of apnu/afc fundraising activities.
Mother fights off gun-toting bandit
A Berbician mother faced off with a gunman who entered her home with his accomplice on Tuesday morning in an
attempt to prevent them from hurting her two children.
The woman, identified as Miriam Hoosain of Bath Settlement, West Coast Berbice, was brutalised by the perpetrators who invaded her house around 06:00h on the day in question.
The victim’s husband had just left for work around 05:30h, while their 11-year-old son and six-year-old daughter were upstairs in the house when the incident took place.
Reports are that Hoosain was in her hammock meditating when the two men arrived at her gate asking if her husband was at home.
She related to Guyana Times that she replied in the affirmative, stating that her husband was upstairs.
However, instead of walking away from her gate, the duo quickly rushed into her yard; one remained with her and the other signalled his intent to go into the upper flat of her house.
“They did it so fast. By the time I realised they were bandits, the one took out a gun and I started to scream. He lashed me and the next thing I knew was that he had me in the kitchen,” she said.
According to Hoosain, she had “blacked out” briefly, but as soon as she regained consciousness, she began to shout for help. It was then that the gun-toting bandit who was standing guard over her smashed the weapon into her face while telling her to remain quiet.
“He threatened to shoot me…I heard the one upstairs opening drawers and asking the children where their mother’s bedroom is…So I get up after I catch myself again and I hold on to him and fight him and overpowered him,” the distraught mother told this publication.
She explained that the gun-toting bandit was caught off-guard and thus, having the upper hand, she held onto the intruder with a firm grip, forcing him to call his partner for help
Guyana Times was told that it was at this moment Hoosain made the most out of the small timeframe she had to escape and ran out of her kitchen straight into her neighbour’s yard, while alerting them about the situation with shouts and screams.
This caused the two perpetrators to abort their mission and flee the woman’s house before they could be detained by anyone who might rush to her aid.
When asked why she made the daring move to wrestle with and fight off an armed man, she explained that while the blood was pouring down her face after being hit with the gun, all she could think of was her two children alone in the upper flat of the house with an armed bandit.
When this newspaper visited Hoosain on Tuesday, the woman could barely open her eyes. She had already sought medical attention and received two stitches on her face.
According to the injured woman, the bandits did not succeed in executing their daring attempt of a robbery, since they left empty handed.
Meanwhile, her husband, Feroze Hoosain told Guyana Times that he was not allowed to leave his job and go home when he received information about his wife’s injuries and the attempted robbery at his house.
He stated that he received the information about what had occurred in his absence around 08:30h, but could not leave his work site until 14:00h.
It must be noted that he is employed as a security guard at the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo).
Guyana Times further understands that Region Five (Mahaica-Berbice) Chairman Vickchand Ramphal visited the traumatised family and expressed his concerns over the recent upsurge of criminal activity in the community.